The Memory Keepers Sister

By nadblips

Challenge- Animals

I love animals, I grew up with them. When my sister and I were kids we had cats, fish, rabbits, hamsters, ponies, gerbils, a chinchilla and most recently Luka dog. Throughout primary school I wanted to be a vet (and secretly still do) but somehow ended up not pursuing it and doing pharmacy at Uni instead. When I 'grow up' I would love to have dogs and cats and maybe a chicken or two to make up for it. :)
My lovely sister took this picture of Sawyer for me as he lives with her & my Mum and the only animal in my flat is Jules the bunny who is not feeling photogenic today! I chose Sawyer when he was a kitten because I wanted a cat "like Garfield" and like Garfield he loves his grub, I imagine after this shot was taken he pestered my sister for more food.

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