Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

The southside of a northbound flower...

Some might call this an emergency blip. And some days, they might be right ... but not today. I actually took about 50 pictures of this silly flower. Why, you ask? Good all started with the Great ND Filter Experiment. Yea, that didn't go quite as well as I'd hoped today. I grabbed the mid-range ND as I went out the door, rather than the darkest one. The combination of sun and water made for a bunch of blown-out pictures. I learned but I didn't really want to subject you to my learning curve. Feel free to thank me.

But, back to the flower... When I got home from the failed experiment, I decided to try the ND filters with these flowers. The flowers have a lot of white and to add to the experiment, I put them outside in the sun - voila! Well, maybe "voila" is a stretch. Maybe "hm" would be more appropriate.

Well, you know how one thing leads to another with blipping ... next thing you know, I had the flower laid out on my desk under the very bright lamp. Then, I remembered how much I like the backsides of flowers! Yippee - flower butt! By the way, the flower is actually very pretty and I liked some of the shots so much that I facebooked virtual bouquets to 3 of my brain tumor buddies who have birthdays this week. I know, that's a whole other story --- for another day. If you'd like to see what the northbound side of the flower looks, click here.

After a day of rain, almost all of our snow from the weekend is now gone. Today's sunny skies and warm temps melted the rest of it, so we are back to bare ground. The birds and squirrels have increased their foraging range and are not currently dependent on the kindness of! I say Seymour, Sylvia and the squirrel gang busily running around in the woods today. They send their love.

I just noticed that the Queen of the Feeders made it to the Spotlight page earlier today - I am bracing for demands...

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