I have to be good to beat me.

After manymany moons shirking, I/we have finally returned to the Wii.
It's not exactly a bundle of laughs watching the old weight fluctuating a pound either way on a daily basis but the Wii fit's a bit more fun.

Trouble is I got sufficiently good (For me) last time round that even getting onto the leader board's hard, but to top it ... WOW! I was fair gobsmacked and ''upmyad'' by today's attempt on the bubble walk, and since nothing downtown hit me in the eye I thought I may as well blow my trumpet.

BTW we're on 2 different levels that's why there's only me.

I am, however, wondering how old I'll have to be before it gets my age right every day, currently I'm more often 20 than 50: never mind the actual 70(ish) {Weeeeeell, next year anyway}

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