
The same Agapantha bud I blipped just over a month ago is now in full bloom.

Summer wandered off elsewhere today leaving us with a cool and cloudy day. Such a disappointment after yesterday but the light was good for flowers.

The Fur Child had a full set of bloods taken. I won't mention how much that cost. If they don't show anything they'll run one other for hyper-thyroid (and I'll have another bill). He doesn't have the classic symptoms but it's best we rule things out.

His ticker ticks good, his coat looks ok and she couldn't feel any nasty lumps. Could be a couple of other things, or he could be stressed and anxious from 9568 earthquakes. Only one way to know and that's to run the tests.

He's not a model that sulks or punishes me. An afront though it was to have a bit shaved from his neck and blood drawn, the little Fur Child was a trooper. And little he is. That's the problem.

I'll need to touch base with the vet tomorrow (perhaps pass on some good ideas for spending all the $'s I've paid ;-) to find out what's what. All of which means I need to head out this evening and do my shopping.

That's probably me over and out today.

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