So much cake... so little time...
This is how it is...... there has been much speculation on here and indeed in the 'real word' as to if I eat as much saturated fat as I say... well I do,but in order to stuff my face daily I pay the price of doing exercise... Monday to Friday I get up at 6.15 am and work out,I use my cross trainer (that is NOT an angry human,its gym stuff) for a minimum of half an hour and then do stretches and toning exercises for 10/15 minutes,plus after dropping the girls off at school I walk the dogs up the hills,rain/sleet/snow.... I always walk.Thus enabling me to have my cake and eat it ;)
Todays blip is as you can see two more clay mates from Eve's collection and in order to get the best shot my Mother and I needed to eat 6 french fancies.We also ate a moist ginger loaf,some sarnies from M&S and lemon fruit fools...... all in the name of research.
Mum brought over about 500 slides that we have been meaning to check through to see if any are worth having converted into photographs and about 75 are !!! so we have found a company on line,read the reviews phoned them up,agreed how it's all done and they shall be sent tomorrow :D It was particularly lovely as I have very few photos of my Nana and she is in about 25 of them :D
A great day !! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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