Variation on a theme....

After Max yesterday it's Millie's turn today.

Now i'm not sure if the story that follows is weird or not but here goes anyway:-

As many of you will know or have guessed we have 5 pets. All of them have their proper names but they also have little nicknames that Lizzie and I have given them, some which stick, others which don't. I've never really thought anything of it........until today.

I was out walking Millie when we approached a lady with two little spaniels. All three dogs were on leads, but Millie being young, always gets excited at other dogs and pulls frantically toward them whenever she can. After letting her have a sniff I counter this by giving her a little tug in the right direction, which I did, and also a little vocal encouragement - "come on Doghead!"

The look on the lady's face said it all!!! "Who names their dog Doghead?" I felt like turning round and explaining it is simply a nickname, but by this time Doghead Millie was wandering off in the opposite direction, while her dogs (probably named Oscar and Ceaser or something equally normal!) were frantically heading off as far from Doghead Millie as possible!!! Oh well!!

In my defence Millie is a dog, and she does have a head as you can see from this picture!!!!

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