Toots in Solitude

By Toots

Ready for London

Donald is here, modelling his new travelling leather bag, which he bought today to take on his trip to London at the weekend.
He must have spent an hour opening the pockets, launching it over his shoulder, admiring himself in the mirror with it, zipping and un-zipping it, smelling the authenticity of it, and mentioning 'new leather bag' as often as he could.
I was strong, I tell you. I kept all jealousy and coveting at bay. At no time could he look into my eyes and see 'I want it' even though he was taunting me to his best capability.
Ah, my bag and handbag weakness was killing me.
And do you know what happened then.
Donald said I could have his old black leather brief-casey type bag.
Woo-hooo hooray, I danced, yes! I am definitely spoilt, but then, I had a hard childhood.

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