Spring-like (ish)
A dull drizzly start to the day. I headed over to our old house to collect post while Katherine was galloping around in her riding lesson, and gazed longingly at the sunshine on the Pyrenees... But I needn't have worried. Half way through Conor's football - just after I'd bought a new warm coat - the sun popped out and it was roasting hot. The birds went extra crazy in the sunshine and have demolished one and a half fat balls (actually, they demolished the table a bit too - I had to go out and screw it together). I might have to put them on a 'seeds only' diet for a while; if they scoff any more lard I fear they won't make it up onto the table.
The rest of the day has been rubbish. The kids are being super-annoying about homework at the minute, like it's my fault that they have to do it, or that I could magic it away if I was a proper mum. I gave up with Katherine and said there would be no more nagging and we'd just see how many tellings off from her teacher it would take before she'd start just doing it when she has free time rather than at 8.35am EVERY morning. Then some friends came round to see them, and the boy - who is a year older than Conor - ran off with some neighbours of ours instead and said Conor couldn't play. So he's been in a huff about that all night but pretending nothing's wrong.
And, of course, the shiny white box with the apple on that was supposed to arrive tomorrow, arrived today (happily when I was in - so much for trying to arrange deliveries on days when I don't have to go out) so in theory all should be well... In fact all that has happened is that I now want to take every shiny white box or other product with an apple on and throw them onto a hard surface from the highest window I can find. Preferably when the wildebeest migration is due to pass by. I'm sure it's me, not them, but I really think that an airport extreme should be able to provide wifi to my computer from further away than the same room. Even just though a (wooden) door I could get nothing. It's now close enough to my desk that a slightly longer than normal cable would join them. And of course there's no wifi network to speak of anywhere else.
Of course I only do this for blip.
Speaking of which, here's the bonny white flowers on the terrace that I blipped a week or so ago. I turned down the saturation that time as the green just seemed unreal. But it is real, so I've left it alone this time. I'm now wishing I'd saved the 160 euro and just left my desk alone in the middle of the room too.
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