My Life In Pictures..

By SheWhoGlitters

The Hills Are Alive..

.. Well. They're not really. They're rather sad and blue looking..

It was a really miserable, drizzly, cold day today. Or I could describe it as 'Dreich'. Perfect weather for a pony trek... Or not! I was still feeling a little under the weather today, so I chose to ride a nice steady, slow pony so I could just sit back and relax, rather than fighting one of the more balshy ones. We made a great pair, shuffling along at the back of the ride. However, I'm feeling even worse this evening! Maybe the cold and rain got to me.

We had an extremely boring two hour histology session today which focussed on the intestines. And I've got a report to write for Friday on the evaluation of welfare standards in the Dog and Cat home I visited over the summer. Not very exciting stuff..

Back to Uni Work I go.. Happy Burns Night!

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