Red Flash

By RedFlash

Coffee for Two

I work opposite the Barbican and it is a great place to go on a dreary day like today.

A blip friend is currently working in the area so we met up for a coffee and a chat.

The Barbican Estate is a residential estate built during the 1960s and the 1970s in the City of London, in an area once devastated by World War II bombings and today densely populated by financial institutions, that includes my building.

It contains, or is adjacent to, the Barbican Arts Centre, the Museum of London, the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, the Barbican public library, the City of London School for Girls and a YMCA, forming the Barbican Complex. The complex is a prominent example of British brutalist architecture and, with the exception of Milton Court (which contained a fire station, medical facilities and some flats), is Grade II listed as a whole.

In the middle of the Barbican is St Giles' Cripplegate. It is a haven of peace and I am sure that there will be several blips from there in the coming months.

The Barbican is vast and I hope to go on a guided tour of its hidden areas at some stage because I am sure that I have only explored a very small part of it.

Being built of concrete it is not a particularly attractive building but it does have some great features and the high rise blocks of flats are useful navigation markers, when my blip walks have taken me to parts of London that I don't know.

I have taken several photos in here before but have never liked any of them. This one passed "the smile" test.

Update from yesterday - I have regained all of my photos and documents.
Thank you for everyone's suggestions about backing up - must remember to do that sometime

PS that is a bit of a Costa theme going on at the moment - see "My life my times"

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