Dog Biscuits

Another dreich day today with snow forecast for later and into tomorrow. The weathermen have been threatening snow for some days now and it hasn't happened, not here anyway.

We tend not to buy many cakes or biscuits these days as we prefer home made and fortunately I can usually find the time to bake. I made an apricot and orange loaf at the weekend and my daughter ate the last slice last night so I decided to make some little biscuits this morning. I haven't used this cutter in ages. Almost forgot we had it. I couldn't resist it when I saw it. Probably supposed to be a Westie but we've decided it's a Cairn Terrier.

unfortunately they didn't keep their shape as well as I would have hoped but they do taste good.

Had to try one first to make sure they were okay before I let the others eat them ;)

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