Seeds of...?
They're pretty, these seeds.
They have been in this little glass (covered) dish for, well, more than two house moves. So that must be years and YEARS.
They were given to me by someone who said they were fragrant and breath-freshening to chew after eating spicy food. (No hints there then?)
And they were!
(Woodiness aside, but hey! Sometimes it's good to chew for long periods?).
Thing is... They're still pretty, but I can't bring myself to put them in my mouth any longer. What with them being so old and well-travelled and all.
Sometimes I think I would like to replace them.
And, on the odd occasion when out and about I do actively look for similar items.
To no avail yet.
I expect they're common, but I've never seen anything like them, and I don't know what they're called!
Any answers please?
I hope they're not utterly and completely additive-laden, that would be a disappointment! (On further inspection they ARE a bit livid..?)
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