The rest of forever...

By DrMac

The wrath of the teacher's red pen


If there is anything I hate about teaching it's marking. I don't have to do much anymore but I still detest it. Mainly due to the inordinate amount of time it absorbs.

But to be fair, sometimes it is actually quite pleasurable...when it provides an opportunity to read work of quality and write wonderful comments of praise in the margins. And sometimes it is dire...poorly planned and executed drivel...when I wonder what on earth I was teaching during that lesson! But, do I write negative comments and slate the little darling for their wasted efforts? Nope. The mantra is to find something positive to praise, then provide a few pointers for development. No-one is perfect. Self-esteem in tact, they can strive onwards and upwards.

So, Mr Gove. Today you announced, in one famously sweeping statement, that the teaching profession is utter shite. Thanks for that. Much appreciated. I wonder what you actually know of education...I mean 'real' education, not the Enid Blyton schoolboy guffaws you experienced in your somewhat distant formative years. I invite you to come and spend a few days with me. See how it really is in practice, see what we are achieving. Then read our statistics. Then tell me how shite I am. How shite we all are.

...and then I might stick my teacher's red pen where the sun don't shine...

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