Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

Day 26: Close-up

A metaphor and a moral.

I am sure I share this with others doing this challenge! There have been a few lightbulb moments that have produced images that are blipped with pride. Then again, there are those days when, for whatever reason (usually a busy working life that gets in the way of having fun and playing), the light just won't come on or it is severely dimmed. Today is one of those days. I have shot quite a few things close up this evening after a long day at work that included a drive out to a meeting at another school and then getting home to cook tea, mark literacy books and plan a maths lesson on mode/median/mean/ranges. All the shots were crap and meaningless. It's day 26 and I think that my bulb has not just dimmed, it has done that flash-pop thing and the little, delicate components are beyond repair.

Will buy a new one for tomorrow that will hopefully hold out till Monday.

(oh, the moral.......don't buy your bulbs from Tesco - they're crap)

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