Resonate - for fun

By Generate13

Good intentions

Most of us have good intentions. Sometimes to even our best efforts it doesn't work out.

Fair weather. Some people are just fair weather or when it suits then. Oh well.

Anyway had a nice day at the office, it was rather chatty today but that along with my mind nonstop thinking about rockness tickets and making other grand plans. I managed to get my notes to 6 pages but still need further editing before I submit. Just need to go with my gut, think I'm smart and good with words and you never know it mitt happen. Haha! Errr probably not. But gonna give it a go!

Anyway didn't succeed in much else today, did a supermarket sweep of h&m to find when I got home the woman's shirts r cut all wrong, space in the back and none in the front eh. Gutted they were lovely too. But got a good walking detour out of it and my egg frying skills were slightly improved but still not good. I'm rambling on here...

Oh the main focus of this quick pic, is the worn bowie magazine. I've had good intentions for it since last September! It even survive our tent roof coming off and flooding at bestival! Surely will be worth saving it tho :)

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