
He's been off school with stomach cramps. He was sent home from school yesterday and this morning woke very early doubled up in pain. We gave him ibuprofen and all tried to sleep a bit more.

I then tried to get a precious on-the-day appointment (you have to phone a 8am on the dot) but couldn't get through for 40 mins. When I did get through the only appoinment left was for 4.30pm. I couldn't take it with my boy rolling around in agony.

A doctor called me back and I managed to get an appointment at 12.30pm. We sat it out for two hours, then I had to call back, he was too uncomfortable. The rather stern receptionist reluctantly asked us to come straight in..................I must add that the pain would wane from time to time and in those peaceful moments he was completely and utterly fine!!

When we got to the surgery, he completely perked up, he was no longer doubled up in pain!!

There appears to be nothing obviously wrong and I've just to give him his painkiller regularly.

This here was a relatively peaceful moment.

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