St Mary's, Wooditton

Woke up with a stinking cold but determined not to waste the sunshine, Stella & I headed out to do some geocaching. I made a list of a few that were the other side of Newmarket and checked out the driving directions which, it turned out, had a flaw in them! Namely missing out quite a major left turn!

It wasn't until I got a sense of deja vu by ending up at a church I recgnised from geocaching last April that I realised how wrong we'd gone!

I pulled over &, without even knowing whether we were in Suffolk or Cambridgeshire, fired up the sat nav. Didn't have a postcode of course for where I wanted to be so just put in the village name and found we were actually only 3 miles wrong.

The reward when we reached our destination was *not* getting squashed by the many tractors being busy up and down the narrow lane we needed to be on and this beautiful church at the cache location :)

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