Wine Time :)

Well, it will be shortly :) It's been a really good day today. I enjoyed helping out at the school again today and I've enjoyed this afternoon/evening too. After picking up Arwen & her friend Sarah from school, Caitlin & I headed into town to meet Josie and after purchasing the "essentials" for tonight, we took the little ones to MacDonalds which they loved. After coming home, my sil dropped my niece off who is spending the weekend. It got really loud & chaotic for a while there :D

Shortly I will be taking Sarah home and leaving Arwen there as she is sleeping over. Josie & Bernie are planning on having a "Bones" night, Caitlin is staying over at a friends leaving me & Asha to the living room and a night of ER :)

I hope everyone has as great a Friday :)

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