How to catch a star

By Shinythings

You know you're 'middle class' when .....

The new National Trust handbook and magazine drops onto the mat and you excitedly sit down to read it.

I say middle class but I don't really understand the class system. I mean hubby manages a golf shop and I'm a nurse - we have 2 decent cars and go on holidays (we 'travel' rather than go 'package' !!!!!). Does any of this make us middle class???? We do, however live in a (large) terrace but in a not very nice area and if you went on postcode I'm sure you'd call us lower class. But we both have degrees (if your counting that then in fact have two - don't ask!!!). But then I'm a nurse and I'm not sure that makes for a middle class title (a patient just yesterday asked if I was a doctor or nurse because "I don't want to insult you by calling you a nurse if you are in fact a doctor ......"

So answers on a postcard please!!!!!

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