world in a grain of sand

By kateann

the lovely Ithaca

Today brought another photography session from Ithaca who generously shares her knowledge with me. The purpose of this portrait was to teach me how to avoid facial shadow by using flash, a really useful thing to know.

This shot was taken in the grounds of our office - we're lucky to work in such a pretty location and I know I don't always appreciate it, wishing instead for shops, and urban bustle. I grew up in suburban Birmingham and I remember reading Lucy Mangan saying that if you don't live in the country before you're 10, you never really get what it's for. I now live in a large village, so not really rural, depths of the country living - but still a village - and I think I get it, but there are times when I would like to be able to access services eg the swimming pool without getting in the car.

I have made friends at work before - very good, dear friends in some cases, in others very temporary, but none the worse for that. The difference here is that Ithaca and I were friends before we worked together, which brings a different dimension to the relationship.

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