in mi quinquagensim a

By GaryHenderson

No guitar hero

Mad rush tonight, was late back from work, 10 minutes to down my dinner then off to camera club with photography partner in crime Mr Colin Watt. Had a slide show...actual "slides" which was really great to see how photos used to be shown, that old clunk of the magazines going round was really nostalic.

Sid Clarke author of Orchids of the British Isles - presented photos taken of orchids and plants around Europe. A lot of great shots and his dedication is unbelievable - climing 6000ft to get shots of rare plants and hanging from ropes to get the snaps and he is 72 !

Little time to get a photo, but took one of the guitar Shona bought me for my 40th, and I still have not learned to play it and I am 50 this year - poor show...

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