A Little Night Music

I have to admit that sometimes it is hard having to photograph some of the things I do, and probably even harder if you are one of my friends, particularly drop dead gorgeous ones like Sazi!

The Weekend Blip Challenge which I take part in each week has a twist to it for 2012 with the final weekend of each month having a wider style or theme which is chosen in advance. The cold winter nights are ideal for the theme of Night Scene, however, my twisted mind had an idea of this image of a musician under an old fashioned lamp playing to the night - the short skirt, high heels and legs that go on forever were just a bonus to add into the image.

Hopefully the gentlemen of the WBC group will be attracted to this image and the ladies will forgive me using the feminine form to curry favour. Unless there is another absolutely amazing Night Scene in the next two days, I am guessing that this will be my WBC Photo.

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