Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

There's Someone at the Door

OK so the bosses hair was blowing all over the place yesterday and that led to comments from the Bossess and that led to A Haircut. I have a personal Hair Stylist at the Pet Retreat that I go to for holidays. She does a lovely job and I always get a fresh new Bandana to wear. So off we went to get The Bosses hair cut. I had to stay in the car. I seem to miss out a lot lately and in due course out comes The Boss without a Bandana! Now that's not good value is it! The Boss was happy cos he got a pic of Pete's door which he thought was interesting in the morning light. OH I forgot? Pete is the hair cutter guy. The Bosses Hair Stylist?So to speak. The place used to be called Ali Barbers cos it was run by a bloke called Alistair (who was the Barber). Now it's Ali Babas and it's run by Pete. Confused?Me too. Dogs struggle a lot with this sort of thing.

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