'We are what we do.'

By Hasywell

A first...

<KENOX S630 / Samsung S630>

My first 'bird' capture on BLIP! The focus is not as clear as I would like but I am so pleased to have finally caught one and a robin. Was having a bit of a stressful time with Millie because everytime I took my eyes off her to take a blip, she kept crawling under the fences and into the hedges! Terriers! This robin was just chirping away in a tree between the rhodedendrons!

Three beautiful things

Hair colour and cut - time for me!

Catching up with my friend and sharing the delights of the few days away.

A lovely e-mail from my Chair of Governors.

One thing to be grateful for;
Millie will come back...eventually!

This nearly made today's blip: a perfect place to hide

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