can't see the wood...

today our lovely neighbours delivered two trailer-loads of excellent firewood to see us through the rest of the winter. Mr. Spitzi's back problems mean that he's orf games for a while and, even though I heroically stepped into the fray, to be honest, I'm not up to it. So, we've had to buy in a load of wood and learn to accept reality...

Today, however, me and Littlest got to escape reality for a few hours. We went to watch a showing of Buster Keaton's The Cameraman with full orchestral accompaniment. The conductor was a great man of film music Ludwig Wicki who Mr. Spitzi and I got to know of via that famous nerd-fest: the full orchestrated showing of the Lord of the Rings, which we have seen all three parts of in the KKL in Lucerne. We were lucky enough to be at the premiere of The Fellowship of the Ring, which Howard Shore was also at, he gave an extensive interview beforehand, which we also attended. Yes, we are that nerdy.
Anyway, me and Little came out of the concert hall grinning this evening after having had a thoroughly good time. The introduction to the film was done in a very funny way and got children in the mood for getting their heads round a silent movie and the music was wonderful. The film, of course, was still a masterpiece.
I really enjoyed seeing how many old men there were in the audience - eyes shining like small boys as they relived a bit of their childhood :-)

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