
By strawhouse

So Many Ideas.....

I now have a mountain of wedding magazines! I don't know what I'm going to do after the wedding - I'll miss leafing through them at every opportunity!!
It's a bit like window shopping - I don't intend to buy much that I see in them or use many of the ideas, but I so enjoy looking!!!
Miss L had her second settling in session today. I had to just drop her off and leave her. She did so well again - marched straight in and started playing. Miss E was at home with Papa so I found myself child free for an hour - very odd!
The petrol gauge was showing 1 mile left (!) when I dropped her off so I couldn't put it off any longer and thought it best to go and get some more. There's a garage a mile or so from school. It's on a busy road in the middle of nowhere so it was a bit weird to see a woman with a pushchair walking along the grass verge into it. It turns out she had run out of petrol and had had to walk along the road to the garage to pick up a petrol can Honestly, these people that let the petrol get so low, tut tut!!! It turns out the garage had no petrol cans so she was a bit stuck. Lucky for her I had two empty car seats, a big enough boot for her pushchair and an hour to kill. It's nice to be able to be a good Samaritan once in a while! And earn some Brownie points in case I ever need help from a stranger!
When I picked up Miss L they said she'd been fine - like she'd been going for months!! And they said she's very bright which, of course, every mother likes to hear!!

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