We dropped Milo off for for his hair cut and were told to come back in two hours - that's more time than in takes to colour my hair and cut it.
So with time to kill we went for a cup of tea and cake in New Alresford. It's "New" because there is an old one too.
New Alresford was founded in the 12th/13th century but much of the medieval town was destroyed by a fire in 1689, that destroyed 117 houses in the town as well as the Church and Market House. Much of the town was rebuilt in the 18th century, with many of the Georgian buildings remaining today.
It is a very photographic place but I didn't like any of my images other than this duck, who was just swallowing a piece of bread roll specially bought for him from the supermarket ie as usual we hadn't brought the old bread from the fridge.
As usual when we collected Milo there seemed to be more hair left on the floor than on him but as least he now looks like a Welsh Terrier should and his tail does not look like a bottle brush. They used to dock their tails so most older dogs don't have them.
And yes I am sure that he will appear in a blip soon so that you can compare before and after.
Nothing to report on the day other than encouraged by everyone's bird photos from the garden, I have filled up all of the bird feeders.
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