
By Bhodi

Trees are Dancing

Dog # 1 is still in recovery from a protracted illness last year but her fur is growing back nicely and it was good to wander a bit further this morning. There is a business park near the house and beyond that Bruntwood Park which is full of dogs and strangely a group of serial 'exercisers' who run around at full speed and occasionally stop and do squat thrusts and push ups for no good reason. They all look unhappy about it so i must assume it's something to do with Wavey Dave Camerons 'get the unemployed working for their subsistance benefits' plan. Last week they had that right wing arsehole 'IDS' on the BBC and the cameraman back lit him (on purpose) with a green light so he looked like a bald Nazi vampire. I laughed.
Time for Fish Fingers.

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