Red Squirrel


I(ce)-spy a SP?

During the usual Sunday morning paddock dunging session earlier I paused to check out potential blips from the ice on top of the water in the trough, and on some puddles - there were some lovely patterns to be seen there.
Only once I sat down to upload the best shots, to decide on my blip, did I realise that this particular shot was almost a SP! My silhouette, straggly hair wisp sticking out from my plaited-back hair (a necessity when dunging etc), set behind the ice pattern.
Thought it might make a slightly surreal blip, and since I still have my RSPB Garden Birdwatch to do for an hour, plus other things before I go out at 6, it'll do for today!
Back to work tomorrow - why do Monday's seem to come around so damned quickly? Aaargh!

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