Giving this a go...

By Debiives


Cameron's first game on the hard side of the Junior Scrabble game. It said age 7+ but I thought he'd be fine. It's actually harder than it looks and he found it quite hard but pretty much sussed out how to do it with a bit of help. Tested my patience a bit though! I know why I teach teenagers!
And he beat me and Ross!

Did my 6 mile run too, ran back from church, along the canal, down the road, through the woods, along the road again and through the park. Ran a min/mile slower than ideal race pace and it was a challenge keeping the speed down (for non runners, that is what you're meant to do- I wasn't being lazy honest) Felt the odd twinge but mostly went away when I adjusted my gait and I felt like I could have kept going for at least a couple more miles.

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