Brilliant idea

Sorry for another Tom Waits related blip after yesterdays one but he's worth it. I bought a copy of Mule variations on vinyl at the gig last night. Now, given the choice, I'd far rather buy vinyl to listen to in the house than a CD. The downside of it is that it's a fair bit ofmessing about to get it on the iPod. You either have to borrow a CD version of a friend or a music library or spend ages digitising the vinyl.

In light of this I think this is a great idea. As far as I can see it's only Tom Waits' label ANTI who are doing this so far, but I got home from the gig and spent anbout 5 minutes downloading the whole album in mp3 format then importing it into iTunes. More record companies should start doing that with their vinyl, especially since it costs more than CD's.

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