The Lozarithm Lens

By Lozarithm

Smokey 1947 hr

Smokey was my only photographic subject yesterday, but today I have been trying out Picasa 3.9 software to process the JPEGs from my Lumix compact instead of my normal program.

I had used Picasa before but was alerted to this latest version by amErica, in this Forum thread about the demise of Picnik, who said, "The new version of Picasa has... a lot of the Picnik features. Lomo-ish, Holga-ish, HDR-ish, Cinemascope, Infrared, Cross Process etc."

It was fun adding lo-fi Lomo and Holga qualities to my hi-res images and I hope they continue to add more options, such as an Instagram-alike, but the effect I have chosen to blip today is the Cinemascope one, which has added warm tones to Smokey's grey fur, and a Letterbox format. The untreated image is linked to below for comparison.


Blip #615
Consecutive Blip #036
Day #675

Smokey Original
Smokey Snooze
Kill The Flash!
Smokey Under The Speaker

One year ago: River Marden Sunset

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