Mr Mysterious H

By MrMayhem

The Birds

Been to my dad and stepmums for dinner today. It was awesome as always. Good food, good company and good blips. My Dads place is rife with birds. I wish i could get birds to come in to my garden like that.

Loved having the chance to help my dad out with his blipping a little. He has all the right ideas, he just needs a little guidance at time. I helped his with his 70-300 today and he appears to be getting the hang of it. Please pop in and give him encouragement here. Also Mo has a journal please do the same and check it out here

Me and Mrs Mysterious are in dispute to the breed of this bird. I think some sort of Starling maybe and she said a Sparrow (which it isn't).

Back to work tomorrow and my 200th is in a couple of days. I've not even started planning it yet think it will just pass by.

Glad i've been able to use the byrds

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