
By skaterg1rl

thought i could set the kids off making their own rope ladder to finally conquer the rowan tree in the garden

ended up with me tying ineffective knots in an expensive bit of window sash cord and wondering where you can buy rope ladders

thought i could carry the big mirror round the corner to get 1/4" shaved off it so it would fit in the fireplace hole

ended up not getting enough cut off and chipping it while trying to get my glasses back on (maybe should have put mirror on the ground while i did that..)

thought cb2 would burst with anticipation with his friend coming for a sleepover.

ended up with a happy time in the pool and cricket in the street

thought cb2 had killed all the plants when i saw him charging round the garden brandishing what looked like a huge bottle of roundup.

ended up finding out it was bug spray

thought i would like to take a few photos

600 later it's a bit of habit

sorry for being a rubbish commenter over the last few months

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