
By Juli

Peaceful pizza!

Yesterday the kids said they wanted to see a film today. It doesn't ever matter to me what we see as I usually sleep through the whole thing but neither the kids nor my husband could agree on which film to see and it all pretty quickly descended into a screaming match, with both kids hysterical and my husband doing his best to wind them both up.

Eventually we banished the kids upstairs with a piece of paper and a pen, with strict instructions not to come down again until they'd reached a compromise and written - and signed - a contract.

It was obviously all tongue-in-cheek on our part so my husband and I couldn't believe it when, ten minutes later, down they came waving their 'contract' and announcing that they had come to an agreement.

My daughter had picked the film (A Monster in Paris) and my son had picked where to go for lunch (Pizza Hut) so that's exactly what we did, and not one argument all day!

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