tracks of life

By dpofarre

nj turnpike

nothing glamorous here - this was an 'anger blip' due to the fact that in my return trip home, i should have never seen the new jersey turnpike, let alone any wetland mitigation project.

i arrived to jfk today to find a storm had cancelled a great deal of flights, mine included. waiting two hours for a re-assignment landed me a flight a couple of days later. granted, i love new york, but i've no time/clothing for more nights in a hotel.

that's when i decided it best to rent another car and make the 10-hour drive home. at the end of the day, i am expecting i'll be home by noon tomorrow or so - my luggage is at best expected for wednesday.

the first half of the drive has actually provided nice scenery, but this is cold comfort for my weary eyes.

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