Today's Special

By Connections

Our Next Governor...

...I hope!

This morning I went to a fundraising reception for Jay Inslee, the Democratic candidate for governor of Washington state. Held in the Lucia Douglas Gallery, the event was informal and warm, and I enjoyed talking with several people whom I hadn't seen for a long time.

Politics is an extremely complicated topic, but when it comes right down to it, I want anyone holding public office to be thoughtful, intelligent, able to listen to others, and supportive of education, health care, the environment, and a moderate approach to contentious issues. Jay's service in the U.S. Congress (House of Representatives) has reflected those values.

His campaign needs to raise $12 million to compete against the Republican candidate, Rob McKenna. My check today and the monthly pledge I'll be making are just a drop in the bucket, but with enough drops, he'll make that goal.

(The art currently on view at the gallery is brightly colored and distracting -- that's why I converted the photo to black and white.)

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