Rose-Tinted Spectacles

By WildWildWesti

Buller Anniversay Day

Last day of the summer holidays here, I feel like this year is going to be gone before we know it.
Got a bit of cleaning done today, then took the kiddies to the beach for an jellies about today, that'd be coz it was frickin freezing! The water has turned, hope the warmer water comes back for the last part of summer. Was not expecting the cold water, I'm usually in it while taking the photo's, but I ended up sitting back trying to soak up some rays whilst taking photo's today instead. The kids still loved it of course, bit of force in the incoming tide though, my wee'un, gosh she's a nutter, just copies the two older kids.
Blipfoto is quite a cool shot of the lot of them running for the waves...right before they turned around and all ran like bats out of hell to get away from them.

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