Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

Banana man

Introducing Mr.Radi my banana and veg retailer. Just like Sep, yesterday, Radi occupies a tiny little hatch on the roadside for about fourteen hours a day. His main thing being bananas, usually four or five different varieties. He usually has a few vegetable selections going on too, like corn, sweet potato, peanuts, maybe the odd fruit too.

He also has a rather pungent tray of rotting tiny little fish. They look and smell rather disgusting, but believe me, once they are cooked up as part of an Indonesian dish, they are wonderful, having a similar culinary effect as anchovies.

Just like Sep, Radi is a difficult photographic challenge. It is like his only photographic experience has been mug shots down at the police station on a Friday night. This was the best of the few shots that I took, I did not persevere as it was very clear that I was not going to get any more out of him, still, at least he didn't object.

I didn't really need any bananas today, but it didn't feel right stealing his image without buying a couple of bunches, so I'm OK for bananas for about four days now, no problem, they keep well in the fridge. Not sure what prices bananas are over there, I pay Radi US$1.50 for 3Kg or 6.6Lbs. I could get them a lot cheaper if I went to the big open fruit and veg markets, but a hundred yard trek down the road works fine for me.

Despite his roguish looks, Radi is a gentleman, an honest trader, friendly and always makes the ladies smile when they come to his stall, I'd love to know what he says to them. He picks out his recommendations for me, never trying to sell me rubbish leftovers, his prices are consistent and when I ride past, he always has a friendly wave for me.

It looks like today's submission will be delayed a while, as the rain is now hammering down and a river is forming across the road.


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