Mo's picture story

By jettygirlx

True Colours; Stirling Castle

Today, we kept the promise to ourselves that retirement was going to be full of adventures and outings! Encroaching on Stravaig territory, we visited Stirling Castle for the first time in 25 years and were stunned and delighted by all that has been developed there. Left with a sense of disgust that, while schooled by the TV series The Tudors to have a working knowledge of Henry's zillion wives, , we are woefully shaky on our Scottish history and bloodlines from Kenneth McAlpin to The Bruce!

The castle is unmissable. The highlight of our visit was being accosted in the Queen's Outer Hall by Lady Janet Fleming, one of Mary of Guise's ladies, governess of Mary of Scots, and mother of Mary Fleming, one of the latter's loyal Maries. Janet regaled us at fascinating length on the gossip around the Court, on past history and on those events yet to come. Amazing young woman.... a triumph of imagination for Historic Scotland! I had seen the concept on the TV ads, but had no idea how excellent it would be in the flesh!

The Great Hall was a wreck when we last visited. Stunning though it now is inside, it was the exterior which grabbed us on this glorious morning, both windows and roof.

We have now joined Historic Scotland (and have been NTS members for yonks ) so we will be found gallivanting around our ancient properties in the coming months and years, possibly using our new Senior Railcards (National), Strathclyde Region cards (our Old Scot cards!) or our Arran Ferry pass.

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