the edges of my life

By raej

whose serenity?

today I climbed up Mt Phousi to visit one of the buddist temples (Wats) and was horified to find locals selling tiny wild birds in bamboo cages no bigger than a hand - to 'release" at the top of the mountain for good karma....
many tourists just threw the whole cage over
many of the birds were barely fledglings and would not have survived the trauma of capture, waiting in the heat without food and then a rough release
many already had been injured in the capture....
many lie there stunned after the release and are grabbed by the kids, caged and sold all over again....

so once again i became the crazy woman - destroying cages i found in bins so they couldnt be re used and trying to talk to the tourists

you have to pick your battles though ........... and after a while I had to leave - ended up having a long chat with a temple cat (yes he had a nicely round belly)....

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