Think & Shoot & Think

By micmoment

I never liked to compare, unless necessary

Enjoy reading long titles ;)

Something totally unexpected happened in class today!
My concept paper was actually one of the top 10 chosen from 180 submissions. Oh gawdddd. Gotta buck up for this assignment since I'm the leader now.

It was kinda oxymoron when I heard mine got selected to be developed. I was really hoping the proposal would successfully be approved, and that it would be my executed as my final year project. But another side of me kept telling myself that, this project is too challenging and it will never work out. Felt as though I've tied myself to a rock, plunge into the sea, and actually pulling my teammates along to drown with me too.

But there's no way I'm giving up on this. I will fight the voices.


It is my club's annual general meeting again. Time flew pass this fast.
I still remember what exactly happened a year ago. I was trying to have best of both worlds on the day itself. I remembered so clearly that I even broke down into tears. Now it's all almost over. Seeing the young and lovely ones simply makes me feel ashamed of myself sometimes, but accomplished too.

No doubt it has a been an extremely rough patch, a really really rough one. One that no one will believe it happened. One that we all went through together. One that we learnt so much from it. I really wish we will stay together, despite all the ups and downs, disappointments, and screaming at each other. I believe it'll just make us all stronger.

We were all once that young infant that couldn't even walk.

I better stop before I get all emotional. Heh.


This sagittarian is better than that one.

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