Camel Country

By Bevie

Getting There

It was my first photography lesson and our master took us to practice what's been preached! I was under the assumption that we will go to the Bahrain Fort, but we went to Karbabad's painted village located near the Fort which was AWESOME! I've NEVER been before.

This photo I've seen uploaded before from a friend of mine, Leanne, and I was wondering where in the world was this taken, and NOW I've actually copied the same photie!

There has always been a rich tradition of arts and crafts in Bahrain, going back many thousands of years to the Dilmun era. Bahrain's position at the crossroads of an important trade route in the Gulf linking Arabia with Asia and beyond made it a meeting place throughout history for many different cultural influences. Just LOVE the colours that and designs of the houses in this village, so happy I had the opportunity to capture it before it will fade completely, as it has already ?

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