The Year Starts Now

By PamelaEvans

Sinterklaas is coming...........

Today Sinterklaas visited our office and left me a chocolate P on my desk (obviously didn't see my shoes under there!!) Of course it wasn't the real Sinterklaus but my dutch colleague!

For those who don't know the story......... Sinterklaas is a traditional Winter holiday figure still celebrated today in the Netherlands amongst other countries, He is celebrated annually on Saint Nicholas' eve (5 December) or on the morning of 6 December in the Netherlands. Originally, the feast celebrates the name day of Saint Nicholas - patron saint of children, sailors, and the city of Amsterdam, among others. Sint Nicholas being a bishop and this geographical spread make clear that the feast in this form has a Roman Catholic background. Sinterklaas is assisted by many mischievous helpers with black faces and colourful Moorish dresses. These helpers are called 'Zwarte Pieten' (Black Petes).

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