ice fishing... crows

you pick... i'll keep watch

i'm making progress...

so it went - between the 2 of them for a good 10 minutes - probably longer... while a 3rd crow flew around in the near distance... i've never known crows to be so enamoured with ice... to actually fly onto it... walk on it - and then pick at it. i'm not certain what they were after - hoping to find... i couldn't see any kind of fish or anything underneath there... but they were adamant with keeping after it - making clicking noises every few minutes to keep me posted about their progress... i began to get worried about his beak getting hurt with the constant drilling - yet he didn't seem to care. i don't believe he ever found anything or laid claim to whatever he thought his target was...

for me... it was another demonstration in the arena of nature doing funky things - providing free entertainment and amusement for those observant to their whims... and as always - making for...


happy day.....

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