Little Mummy

2years 102days

So yesterdays fabulous negotiating wasnt so successful today. We didnt get up til 6, but she'd been up several times before that, the back molars I think are making moves as theres been some serious chewing and red teeth. Yesterday at nursery she'd been a bit out of sorts for the end of the day, similar with Granny and Grandad when they arrived for tea. Oh joy, more teething.

Anyway, she's up and about now, and was playing beautifully with her baby. She had tucked her up, got her Lottie to cuddle (who she calls Snowman) and started reading her a story.

Back to nursery today. With moving in 10 days time, assignments due and back to uni for me, it's likely to be a couple of full weeks of it really. But we do something nice at the start and or end of each day together to make it a bit more bearable.

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