Baby Blue Eyes

This is Kahu. He is the first blue eyed horse I've ever seen.

Kiwilizzie and I were invited out to a 'dinner party' at the home of one of our students tonight. A lovely night with genuinely nice people Their Mum and the 3 kids were wonderful company - Dad was off stalking a deer so wasn't able to be present.

During the night the youngest child mentioned that they have keas living in the trees behind their house and that they fly in just on sunset each evening.

Of course I made him take me out to see where. Unfortunately by the time the birds flew in it was too dark to get a shot of them, but while we were outside having a look around R introduced me to all of their horses. Kahu the stallion kept blinking those blue eyes at me.

Note: Those white dots are sandflies in flight - horrid little beasts with a bite like a vampire. They don't worry him, is hide's too thick, but they draw lots of blood on me!

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