Life through the lens...

By ValC

A very grey day!

Awful weather today. Grey, Grey and that damp cold that makes me feel colder than when it is below freezing. It was 3C.

This is a picture of the Cow and Calf rocks above Ilkley.
Cropped as taken a long way off from Booths Supermarket car park.
One the way back from visiting my father-in-law.
He will be 90 this year. Lives on his own in a flat in Ilkley and is getting a bit muddled sometimes, which worries us. Had a strange phone call from him yesterday, and then when we called today he was fine.

Had a walk round the shops, but still had the sales on and nothing was my size.
( unfortunately I am Mrs Average!)

One of the butchers sells very good calves liver, and so bought some for tonights meal and some to freeze.
Needed a bottle of red wine for the calves liver recipe so got a nice bottle of French Costieres de Nimes , from Booths Supermarket which was on at half price. ( just tried it and it is very good, now wish we had bought some more, It was £4.99 instead of £9.99!) Also bought one of my favourite cheeses Delice de Bourgogne,
a soft creamy cheese and really Yummy!

Hope you all had a good Tuesday!

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