It caught my eye

By Pixiemo

Gravel Girls

For the first time today I actually had planned what I was going to Blip and felt very proud of myself for doing so.
This was only because I had planned to meet Zann for coffee so it was on my mind and we had said that we would do a gravel photo outside starbucks.
Starbucks was closed unfortunately so we had to meet at Costa which is a bit more public for doing a lying down on the ground gravel photo without looking slightly odd on a tuesday afternoon.
So I nearly missed the photo opportunity despite having both phone and camera with me as I was chit chat chatting a bit too much .... anyway thank goodness for zann as she remembered and we found a lovely spot to lie down on in the centre of the shopping district ....
Classy chicks we are but it was fun
Thanks dancing ninja and see you when I get back from Ski

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