A day in the freaky life

By freakyjenn

A day with art and war!

So today i went to the imperial war museum north with my mum and (adopted) brother.

He loves all things military and i'm just plain fascinated by it all, seeing the items that survived all that pain and distruction.

They do this absolotley amazing "show" which is projected onto the crisp white walls of the museum, showing the poopy fields, pictures of soldiers whom lost their life so we could live ours as we do today plus words from family members of our fallen heros. A very humbling experience.


After the showing lights go back up (the place is blacked out apart from very low lights to stop you from banging into anything) and slap bang infront of myslef is this HUGE and very intimadating piece of twisted mangled metal.

After taking a few snap shots of it i managed to get to the plauqe on the wall saying what this is and where it's from, there were a few people and children huddled around it.

Needless to say as i read no further than the title of the discription a lump rose in my throat and a shiver ran down my spine, reality had truely just hit home and hit hard!

This a part of a window frame from one of the twin towers.
Need i say more to that.

My friend (adopted brother) to my right gives me a shout as he realises another heap of metel situated near this twisted window frame is a car that was bombed in baghdad on march 5 2007.. Another cold shiver through my body.

I have honestly never been so quiet in a museum which intends you to talk about what you see.

All i can say is.. Well nothing really.

Those of you who read this who know someone who has served or is still serving like i do will understand, seeing a tiny shimmer of what they saw/see while on active duty out there a few inches from your very own nose..

That is the reality of it, right there!!

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